The Influence of Faulty Faucets

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Nearly everybody seems to have their unique rationale about Here's How to Fix a Leaky Faucet.



A leaking tap might appear like a small inconvenience, however its effects extend far past the occasional drip. Understanding the effects of a dripping faucet is important for both property owners and the atmosphere. In this short article, we'll discover the various effects of this typical house issue and why resolving it immediately is important.


Sources Of Leaky Faucets

Leaky taps can result from a selection of aspects, including damage, high water pressure, and rust. Gradually, the continuous use taps can result in damaged seals and gaskets, triggering leakages to establish. Furthermore, excessive water pressure can place stress on plumbing fixtures, causing leaks. Rust and rust can likewise weaken tap components, making them prone to leak.


Water Wastage

Among the most significant repercussions of a leaking tap is water wastage. Also a little drip can amount to gallons of wasted water over time. This not only increases water bills but also adds to water scarcity and environmental deterioration. Dealing with leaky faucets without delay is critical for saving this priceless resource and reducing its influence on the earth.


Financial Influence

In addition to wasting water, dripping faucets can additionally have a considerable economic impact. Enhanced water costs are a direct consequence of water wastage, costing home owners hundreds of bucks annually. In addition, the cost of fixing water damages triggered by leakages can be substantial, especially if left ignored for an extended period.


Health and wellness Issues

Dripping taps can produce conducive atmospheres for mold and mildew and mildew development, presenting health and wellness risks to passengers. The existence of mold and mildew can exacerbate breathing issues and allergies, especially in susceptible people. Additionally, water damage arising from leaks can jeopardize the architectural stability of structures and result in pricey repair work.


Do it yourself vs. Professional Fixing

When faced with a leaking tap, home owners usually discuss whether to try repairs themselves or employ a professional plumber. While do it yourself repair services can save cash, they might not always deal with the underlying concern properly. Expert plumbing technicians have the proficiency and devices to identify and fix leaks correctly, making sure long-term remedies and assurance for homeowners.


Preventive Measures

Stopping leaky taps calls for routine upkeep and positive steps. Easy jobs such as changing worn-out washers and seals can avoid leaks from establishing. Additionally, updating to top notch components and decreasing water stress can help extend the lifespan of taps and decrease the threat of leakages.


Ecological Effect

The ecological impact of dripping faucets extends past water waste. By saving water, house owners can contribute to more comprehensive initiatives to alleviate water shortage and secure all-natural ecological communities. Sustainable options such as rainwater harvesting and water-efficient components can additionally decrease the environmental impact of house water usage.


Technical Solutions

Advancements in innovation have resulted in the advancement of wise faucets and water-saving gadgets that assist lessen water waste. Smart faucets make use of sensors to spot movement and change water circulation as necessary, lowering waste without giving up convenience. Water-saving devices such as aerators and low-flow showerheads are also effective in conserving water without compromising performance.


Neighborhood Impact

Resolving dripping faucets requires collective efforts at the community degree. By raising recognition concerning the significance of water conservation and offering sources for leak discovery and repair service, neighborhood authorities can encourage homeowners to take action. Initiatives such as water-saving rebate programs and leak detection campaigns can incentivize actions modification and promote accountable water usage.


Situation Studies

Real-life instances of the impact of leaky taps underscore the relevance of aggressive maintenance and timely repairs. From water damages to increasing water expenses, the consequences of neglecting leaks can be extreme. By sharing these case studies, home owners can better understand the value of attending to leaking taps quickly.


Educational Campaigns

Educational campaigns play a vital function in elevating understanding concerning the effects of leaky faucets and promoting water conservation methods. With workshops, seminars, and on-line resources, home owners can discover how to identify and fix leaks themselves. By encouraging people with knowledge and tools, instructional projects can cultivate a culture of liable water use within areas.


Global Point of views

While dripping faucets may look like a local concern, they contribute to more comprehensive worldwide difficulties such as water scarcity and environment adjustment. In areas already facing water anxiety, every decline counts, making leak prevention and repair service crucial. By taking on water-saving methods and buying lasting modern technologies, homeowners can play their component in attending to these pressing worldwide issues.


Governing Procedures

Government regulations play a critical duty in mitigating the effect of leaking taps and advertising water preservation. From constructing codes that call for water-efficient components to water-saving motivations and discounts, policymakers have a series of tools at their disposal. By executing and imposing these policies, federal governments can make sure that house owners focus on water conservation in their day-to-days live.


Final thought

To conclude, the effects of a leaky tap expand much beyond the periodic drip. From water waste and raised water costs to wellness worries and ecological influence, the effects of overlooking leakages can be considerable. By resolving dripping taps quickly and adopting water-saving methods, home owners can alleviate these results and add to a much more lasting future.


What Problems Can a Leaky or Dripping Faucet Cause


Have you ever considered that a harmless leaking faucet might be harboring silent risks within the walls of your home? Beyond the occasional drip, a leaking faucet unveils issues that, if neglected, can wreak havoc on your dwelling and well-being.


This article will explore dripping faucets, shedding light on the immediate inconveniences and long-term perils beneath the surface.


Let’s look at the subtle intricacies of these unassuming fixtures.


Exploring Immediate Consequences: The Impact of a Leaking Faucet

  • Slippery Floors and the Risk of Accidents

  • The continuous drip from a leaking faucet creates puddles, transforming your floors into potential hazards and contributing to water accumulation around sinks. This accumulation can render surfaces slippery, elevating the risk of slips and falls. Moreover, constant exposure to water can lead to the corrosion of piping connections, intensifying the overall danger. Managing these slippery conditions necessitates immediate attention.

  • Structural Damage: Rotting Cupboards and Flooring

  • Addressing a leaking faucet goes beyond averting immediate slip hazards. It requires safeguarding your kitchen from potential harm inflicted on cabinets and flooring. The protracted presence of moisture resulting from a dripping faucet can kickstart the deterioration of these vital structural components. Swift action becomes imperative through repairs or replacements of the affected areas. A timely step is crucial to prevent a cascade of structural decay when dealing with leaking faucets and persistent dripping issues. Adopting such a proactive stance preserves your home's structural integrity and visual appeal and mitigates potential health risks associated with prolonged leaks.

  • Pest Infestations and Unwanted Guests

  • The continuous moisture a leaking faucet produces threatens your home's structural integrity and creates an inviting habitat for pests like rodents and cockroaches. Besides being a bothersome presence, these intruders introduce health hazards and the risk of contaminating your living spaces. Addressing a dripping faucet is pivotal for preventing structural damage and maintaining a pest-free home environment. The proactive intervention in these plumbing issues safeguards the well-being of your household by mitigating the potential health risks associated with the presence of pests and the contamination they may bring.

  • Mold Growth: A Silent Intruder

  • Persistent leaks compromise your home's structure and create an optimal breeding ground for mold and mildew in different areas. Mold, thriving in damp conditions, can spread across walls, ceilings, carpets, and upholstery.


Exploring Long-term Health Implications


The consequences of a dripping faucet reach beyond immediate hazards, extending to allergic reactions and respiratory problems while presenting risks of mold-related health issues. Continuous water from a leaking faucet establishes an environment conducive to mold growth, which raises concerns about asthma attacks and sinus infections. It underscores the need for comprehensive solutions to address visible leaks and the concealed health risks associated with leaking and dripping faucets. Swift and effective intervention in resolving these plumbing issues is essential for preventing immediate dangers. It is also crucial for safeguarding against the potential health ramifications linked to mold growth, ensuring a healthier living environment for you and your household.


Faucet Types and Identification for Effective Repairs


A comprehensive understanding of the four prevalent faucet types—Cartridge, Disc, Ball, and Compression Washer—is crucial for effective repairs. Each type offers unique characteristics and operates on distinct mechanisms, giving homeowners valuable insights to discern their faucet type and implement tailored solutions.

Here's How to Fix a Leaky Faucet


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The Case for Regularly Cleaning Bathroom Drains




The article down below relating to How to Effectively Clean Your Drains is definitely insightful. Check it out for yourself and decide what you think of it.

How to Effectively Clean Your Drains
Cleansing a drainpipe is not enjoyable by any means, however it is a vital part of being a house owner or renter. When you tidy your washroom drains pipes every month, you can stop obstructions, stay clear of bad odors, and also recognize underlying concerns that can result in pricey repair expenses. Cleaning a drainpipe is very easy, as well as only takes ten minutes with a serpent and drain cleaner. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with cleaning your restroom drains yourself, we advise that you have a plumber tidy all of the drains pipes in your house every number of months. Below is an in-depth consider why you should clean your restroom drains every month:


Stop Clogs

One of one of the most noticeable factors for cleaning your bathroom drains each month is to stop clogs. A lot much more goes down the drainpipe than you would think-- skin flakes, eyelashes, dirt, and hair. All of these particles accumulate and eventually create blockages. Even a small obstruction can make your sink or shower essentially unusable. When you clean your drains routinely, you will certainly not wind up with deep obstructions that call for strong chemicals and specialist equipment. While you can clean your washroom drains on your own, we advise that you call a plumber to expertly clean your drains a couple of times each year.


Stay Clear Of Bad Odors

There is nothing more embarrassing than a foul-smelling bathroom. Obstructed drains can create germs to build up, leading to pungent odors. An expert plumber can not only unclog your drain but likewise deodorize it. You can pour warm water and bleach down the tubes to get rid of several of the bad smells, but that is only a momentary fix.


Recognize Underlying Issues

When you clean your drainpipe once a month, you can determine underlying concerns prior to they come to be major troubles. For instance, if you observe debris coming out of your bathroom drains pipes with a snake cleaner, they could be rusting. Any atypical products appearing of a drain must elevate problems. If it is not simply the typical hair and gunk, you should call a plumber to see if your bathroom drains pipes need to be fixed.


Faster Draining

Do you hate the feeling of standing in a couple of inches of water in the shower? A slow-draining sink or shower is a great indication that you require to clean up the pipes. When you tidy your drains monthly, you must never ever need to worry about slow-draining sinks or showers. Not just that, yet faster-draining pipes assist keep your sink and shower cleaner.


Prevent Comprehensive Damage

As mentioned, on a regular basis cleaning your washroom drains pipes can help recognize underlying issues that are much more serious than a sink obstructed with hair. The ordinary price to repair a drainpipe line is $696, which is far more costly than the mere $10 it requires to clean your drains monthly. Significant clogs can harm your entire plumbing system and also even have an effect on the general public systems as well as the quality of water.


DIY Drain Maintenance


Food Deposits


This is probably the most common reason for drain blockages in the kitchen. To make this a less infrequent occurrence it is always a best practice to clear all your plates and dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. This will keep all the food remainders from getting stuck in your dishwasher drain. It's also a best practice to run hot water down your drain after rinsing all of your dishes. Its also a great idea to use a sifter to catch food from the rinsing before it goes into the drain. For all the food that does end up down in the drain, using a grinding disposer helps to puree the waste so that it rinses down the drain easier. Without a disposer, full chunks can get down into the drain and cause a major blockage.




Some fluids have a tendency to harden up and cause a blockage when they sit inside the drain for a long time. This can happen in both Kitchen drains and Bathroom drains. Some of the common liquids that do this are grease from pans, toothpaste, liquids with food in them (rice, pasta) and heavy liquids. The best thing to do is eliminate or reduce how much of these liquids go down the drain by throwing them into the garbage can.


Flush It With Hot Water!


Drains love hot water! Especially kitchen drains that tend to accumulate food residue and grease. Hot water softens up blockages, grease and and oils. It helps to counteract the buildup of these negative things. Now "hot" is a relative term. This doesn't mean that you should go boil a few gallons of water and pour it down there, you'll likely melt any plastic drains you have! But most homeowners only have their hot water tanks heating between 95-115 Degrees Fahrenheit, not quite hot enough! So the best practice for this is heating up water for just a few minutes for about 140 Degrees, and then pouring it down! Making this a regular practice will help keep those kitchen drains nice and clean.


Controlling the Hair!


Hold on to your wigs Guys and Gals, hair is one of the most common clogger of drains! When we go out to clean out a drain in a bathroom it is nearly always a problem caused by holdup of hair! It never seems like much of a problem when a hair or two goes down the drain but they tend to get caught on everything like the drain stopper, the bends in the drain, and other slight blockages so then after a few months of not being diligent it gets all clogged up! The best practice for this is to try to reduce the amount of hair that goes down any of your bathroom drains. You can do this by using either strainers on tub/shower drains, wiping up hair in the sink with a tissue instead of rinsing it down,


Sink Plunger/Hand Drain Machines


Drain cleaning equipment is really expensive! We invest heavily in all the right equipment to take care of tough blockages fast and effectively. But that doesn't mean that you can't set up your own little in-house drain cleaning tool center with just a few bucks so you can call us out only when you get in over your head! The best tools to put in here would be just a sink plunger to take care of those little clogs, and if you're really feeling ambitious, a hand crank drain machine. I wouldn't recommend most people using an electronic one without the help of someone experienced because they do have some torque to them and the cable can wrap around your hand or arm if you're not careful and really do some damage to you or the home around you.

How Often Should Drains Be Cleaned?


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Guidance for Finding and Solving Bath Water Leaks: What Every Homeowner Must Learn



Have you been trying to locate facts and techniques concerning Leaking Bathroom Repair Expert?

How to Check for Bathroom Leaks
Bathroom leaks are frustrating as they disrupt your day's plan. It is an alleviation that most bathroom leakages are very easy to spot and also fix, with very little price implications.
Having a water leakage in shower room can be difficult to the property owner. The article offers as a "initial help" when you require an emergency response to a water leak in washroom.


Discovery as well as Repair Work of Water Leak in Bathroom

Water leakage in washroom frequently results from plumbing and also pipeline faults. There are several sorts of restroom leaks. You might need a basic knowledge of these leakage types to spot the water leak in washroom. Here are the common shower room leaks and deal with ideas:


Clogged Shower Room Sinks

In some cases, the water leakage in restroom results from sink clogs. It is simple to deal with obstructions, and you might not require expert abilities.


What to Do

You can use a drain serpent to get rid of the debris in the drainpipe and also allow the stationary water circulation. Drain pipes cleansers are additionally readily available in shops and are simple to utilize.


Commode Leaks

Sometimes, water leaks from the commode and pools around the bathroom base. It is an eye sore in the shower room and also requires punctual attention. Sometimes, it results from a loosened connection between the bathroom as well as the storage tank. This creates water to trickle from the tank to the floor. It may likewise result from fractures in the toilet bowl or a faulty shut-off valve.


What to Do

If there are loose screws in between the tank as well as bathroom, you only need to tighten them. Occasionally you might require to reapply wax on the gasket or employ a washroom leakage professional to replace worn or damaged parts.


Sprinkle Leaks

These commonly result from water splashing on the restroom flooring from the tub. It damages the washroom flooring and may create rot to wood floorings as well as restroom doors.


What to Do

If the leakage has damaged the washroom floor or door, you might need to alter these to prevent more damage. The excellent information is that you can involve a plumbing professional to assist with the bathroom repair service.



Water leaks in the washroom are avoidable occasions in the home. Upkeep and also routine checks assist to maintain every little thing in tip-top shape. Yet, you can never be also cautious, and these events still take place. When they do, repair them quickly, or involve the services of an expert.
The article serves as a "initial aid" when you require an emergency action to a water leakage in washroom.
Water leak in restroom generally results from pipes and also pipeline mistakes. You may need a standard knowledge of these leak types to detect the water leak in shower room. Sometimes, the water leakage in restroom results from sink obstructions. It harms the washroom floor and also might create rot to wood floors as well as restroom doors.


Water Leaking in the Bathroom Wall



  • Paint or Wallpaper Peeling: This sign is easily spotted, so it cannot be missed. A leak in the wall can lead to wallpaper that separates along seams or paint that bubbles or flakes off the walls.

  • Musty Smells: The damp flooring and plaster inside the wall grow an odor similar to wet cardboard as water slowly drips from a leaky pipe inside the wall. You can find leaks hidden beneath a musty odor.

  • Growing Stains: The interior of a wall affected by a leaky pipe sometimes becomes infested with mold. Often, your indicator of a hidden plumbing problem is a growing strain on otherwise clean plaster.

  • Structural Damage: Do not overlook constant moisture inside the walls of bathrooms when ceilings or floors become structurally compromised. Water-damaged walls can damage adjacent surfaces and stain flooring and ceilings.

  • Unusual Discoloration: The wet spots may eventually dry when a leak penetrates deeper inside a wall. The stains they leave behind are paler than the adjacent paint or surface.

  • Dripping Sound: It is common to hear dripping sounds inside walls when water runs down them. A squeaking noise can be heard while turning off a valve in a sink, bathtub, or shower. When flushing the toilet, you may also hear this noise.



  • Verify The Wall Leak: Shut down your main water supply and note the reading on your water meter. If the meter reading rises after a few hours, the leak is inside the house. In the absence of any changes, the leak may be the result of clogged gutters or drains.

  • Turn off the water: You can turn off the water after you confirm the leak is within the walls. If you’re beginning repairs, drain as much water from the pipes as possible.

  • Find & Fix The Leakage: Locate the wettest area on the wall with a moisture meter or infrared camera. Patch kits can stop the leak, but the fix might only be short-term. In the next few days, double-check the area to ensure the leak is no longer present.

  • Removing mold and cleaning all surfaces: Dish soap and warm water should be used to clean affected areas. Bleach and water are recommended for disinfecting nonporous surfaces. Fan and dehumidifier running will speed up drying time. Remove mold growth immediately from walls, ceilings, and other surfaces.


How to Check for Bathroom Leaks


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Six Pre-installation Steps Ahead of You Install Your New Dishwasher

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The article author is making a number of good points related to How to Prepare for Your Dishwasher Installation overall in this article further down.

How to Prepare for Your Dishwasher Installation
Taking care of a new dishwasher right into your home is no tiny joke, particularly if you're purchasing the equipment online. Naturally, we recommend that you collaborate with your plumber since they are experts at dish washer setup. And also, we have actually done this before so we can stay clear of tiny blunders that can trigger a great deal of pain in the long run.
The 6 hacks will make your dish washer installation as smooth as possible.


Locate the electric resource

Before welcoming your plumbings over, see to it that there is a power outlet near your favored dish washer place. If there isn't, you might need to run a cable to that area. These tiny mistakes can make or mar your experience, so you would certainly do well to inspect ahead of time.
You can use this chance to examine that your kitchen has an independent control to ensure that you can turn off the cooking area's power at once while taking pleasure in power in the remainder of your residence. This simple fixture can stop numerous accidents as well as conserve you some cash.


Make sure the parts are total

If you're acquiring a cheap dishwasher, possibilities are that the components aren't full. You can examine the information offered regarding the item to validate. If it isn't, you might need to go shopping for parts with your plumber. Check for a consumption pipe, a power cable or perhaps a steam nozzle.
There is a big possibility of getting dissimilar parts, so speak with somebody with a great deal of experience, to put it simply, your emergency plumbers.


Check your water shut-off valve

Your dishwashing machine will have its very own link. It might be attached to your cooking area sink's supply, or it may have its own fixtures from your main. Nonetheless, you need to understand that you can manage the water that provides your brand-new dishwashing machine.
While planning for the installment, switch off all connections to the cooking area. This can stop crashes and also disturbances.
Examining your shut-off shutoff before your plumber shows up can also prevent you from unforeseen costs since you can not link a brand-new dishwashing machine to a malfunctioning shut down shutoff.
Additionally see to it that there are no cross links that can stop your dish washer from getting hot water.




  • Parts included with your dishwasher

  • Cordless drill

  • Adjustable wrench (qty 2).

  • Socket wrench.

  • Screwdrivers.

  • Level.

  • Pliers.

  • Measuring tape.

  • Utility knife.


Obtain the appropriate dimensions.

It is really vital that your dish washer suits completely with the remainder of your kitchen appliances. Prior to you position an order for the dish washer, take a measuring tape as well as step front the top of the kitchen table to concerning an inch off the flooring. This is an usual error lots of people make. If you measure from the top of the table to the floor, your dish washer might be an inch more than the table when it shows up.
Also, take the projection into account. European and American dishwashers have various densities, so always consult your plumber.


Discuss placing.

The most effective location to fix your dishwasher is right alongside your sink, or listed below it. The farther your dishwasher is from your sink, the much less practical the style. If you have any type of visual goals for your dishwasher, talk with your plumber regarding them. Always communicate with your plumber.


How to plan for installing a dishwasher in your kitchen


Figure out the location of the machine


The main thing you will need to be sure about when it comes to the location of your dishwasher is that the machine will be able to be connected to both water and waste pipes. If these aren’t present in your designated choice of location, then you will have to decide on somewhere else to put it or call in a plumber. Most dishwashers only require a cold water supply though.

The best place to put a dishwasher is against an exterior wall, as this way you won’t require a waste pipe running the length of your house. You will also want it placed onto a firm, flat floor to cope with any vibrations or movements.

Most people also make sure that their dishwasher is located next to the sink, so that plates and dishes can be easily transferred to the machine. If you don’t have space in your kitchen for a dishwasher – why not try re-locating your washing machine to a garage or cellar?

Standard dishwashers require at least a 24-inch (60cm) wide opening to make sure that there is enough space for the machine to fit easy. Those who are installing a dishwasher in their kitchen for the very first time will also need to make sure that they have drilled holes for water inlets, a drainage tube and for the electrical wires which come with the device.


Linking up to a power supply


If you don’t have any electrical sockets nearby for your dishwasher, then you will have to call in a qualified electrician to do this.

Most of the time, dishwashers will run off their own circuit, however you can alternatively tie it in to your current kitchen circuit. You will have to check this with your local building codes however, as this is prohibited in some situations.


Preparing the dishwasher cabinet


As well as these main issues, you will also have to think about the cabinet that is going to hold your dishwasher. The first thing you will need to do is paint the inside with moisture-proof paint, as this will prevent any build-up of build-up of mildew that could result from the steam.

You will then need to decide if you want a door for the cabinet to match with the other units in your kitchen and keep it tucked away. You could also try a piece of fabric covering the appliance, which some may prefer stylistically. This last option could also be cheaper.


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Avoid Bathroom Disasters: Don't Flush Cat Poop Down Your Toilet - Professional Advice

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What're your thoughts with regards to How to Dispose of Cat Poop and Litter Without Plastic Bags?

Can You Flush Cat Poop Down The Toilet?



As feline owners, it's vital to be mindful of just how we take care of our feline friends' waste. While it might appear practical to flush cat poop down the toilet, this method can have harmful effects for both the setting and human wellness.


Alternatives to Flushing

Thankfully, there are more secure and much more liable means to dispose of cat poop. Take into consideration the following alternatives:


1. Scoop and Dispose in Trash

One of the most typical approach of disposing of cat poop is to scoop it right into a naturally degradable bag and throw it in the trash. Be sure to make use of a devoted litter inside story and deal with the waste without delay.


2. Usage Biodegradable Litter

Go with eco-friendly cat clutter made from materials such as corn or wheat. These clutters are eco-friendly and can be securely thrown away in the garbage.


3. Hide in the Yard

If you have a yard, take into consideration hiding feline waste in a marked location far from veggie gardens and water sources. Make sure to dig deep adequate to avoid contamination of groundwater.


4. Set Up a Pet Waste Disposal System

Purchase an animal waste disposal system especially made for pet cat waste. These systems utilize enzymes to break down the waste, minimizing odor and environmental influence.


Wellness Risks

Along with environmental issues, flushing pet cat waste can likewise position health risks to human beings. Feline feces may contain Toxoplasma gondii, a bloodsucker that can trigger toxoplasmosis-- a potentially extreme health problem, especially for pregnant females and people with weakened body immune systems.


Ecological Impact

Flushing pet cat poop introduces harmful virus and parasites into the water, positioning a significant threat to aquatic ecosystems. These impurities can adversely impact aquatic life and compromise water top quality.


Final thought

Liable family pet ownership prolongs beyond supplying food and shelter-- it likewise involves appropriate waste management. By avoiding flushing feline poop down the commode and choosing different disposal techniques, we can decrease our environmental impact and protect human wellness.


Why Can’t I Flush Cat Poop?


It Spreads a Parasite


Cats are frequently infected with a parasite called toxoplasma gondii. The parasite causes an infection called toxoplasmosis. It is usually harmless to cats. The parasite only uses cat poop as a host for its eggs. Otherwise, the cat’s immune system usually keeps the infection at low enough levels to maintain its own health. But it does not stop the develop of eggs. These eggs are tiny and surprisingly tough. They may survive for a year before they begin to grow. But that’s the problem.

Our wastewater system is not designed to deal with toxoplasmosis eggs. Instead, most eggs will flush from your toilet into sewers and wastewater management plants. After the sewage is treated for many other harmful things in it, it is typically released into local rivers, lakes, or oceans. Here, the toxoplasmosis eggs can find new hosts, including starfish, crabs, otters, and many other wildlife. For many, this is a significant risk to their health. Toxoplasmosis can also end up infecting water sources that are important for agriculture, which means our deer, pigs, and sheep can get infected too.


Is There Risk to Humans?

There can be a risk to human life from flushing cat poop down the toilet. If you do so, the parasites from your cat’s poop can end up in shellfish, game animals, or livestock. If this meat is then served raw or undercooked, the people who eat it can get sick.

In fact, according to the CDC, 40 million people in the United States are infected with toxoplasma gondii. They get it from exposure to infected seafood, or from some kind of cat poop contamination, like drinking from a stream that is contaminated or touching anything that has come into contact with cat poop. That includes just cleaning a cat litter box.

Most people who get infected with these parasites will not develop any symptoms. However, for pregnant women or for those with compromised immune systems, the parasite can cause severe health problems.


How to Handle Cat Poop


The best way to handle cat poop is actually to clean the box more often. The eggs that the parasite sheds will not become active until one to five days after the cat poops. That means that if you clean daily, you’re much less likely to come into direct contact with infectious eggs.

That said, always dispose of cat poop in the garbage and not down the toilet. Wash your hands before and after you clean the litter box, and bring the bag of poop right outside to your garbage bins.

Don't flush cat feces down the toilet


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